Virtual Event Digital

AI for Unified Marketing Measurement Workshop

Online Event - UK
Nov 19, 2024
9:00am - 9:45am (GMT)

This is an exclusive, invite-only event intended for Senior Marketers based in the UK. Please plan to join us online at 8:55am GMT ready for a 9am start. 


"Completing the Attribution Puzzle - How Machine Learning and AI Can Deliver Unified Marketing Measurement."


With Google cancelling the deprecation of cookies, and instead leaving it up to user choice, the future of measurement and attribution looks to remain messy and difficult to navigate. For marketers looking to leave Google’s artificially inflated analytics figures behind, machine learning and AI can help piece together the puzzle of your customer’s paths to conversion. 


Join Chris Liversidge to find out how you can cut CPAs down to size all whilst driving increases in revenue with a little help from AI. 


Key takeaways include: 


  • What impact will Google letting Chrome users choose to accept or decline third-party cookies have on your marketing measurement? 
  • How AI-stitching longer customer journeys holds the secret to reducing advertising CPAs. 
  • How New Era Cap deployed Corvidae’s longer customer journeys to drive revenue increase whilst cutting CPA.
Free for senior marketers from leading brands
Expert Speaker
Chris Liversidge
CEO & Founder

Chris is CEO and Founder of Corvidae, the only cookieless attribution solution. Chris has almost two decades of experience marketing optimising to drive ROI, and is a regular author and speaker on performance marketing.

Event Agenda Show more

08:55 - 09:00
Zoom Check-In
Check-in online ready for the Workshop
09:00 - 09:25
Expert Presentation
Hear from our Expert - Corvidae
09:25 - 09:45
Discussions & Q&A
Hear from and discuss your challenges with the Experts and the other delegates

With thanks to our experts

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