In-Person Event Digital

AI in Marketing Masterclass

LONDON: Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA
Dec 4, 2024
1:30pm - 5:15pm

Over the past few months, AI, particularly generative AI, has taken the marketing world by storm, and been met in equal measure by massive amounts of enthusiasm and caution. So what does AI really mean for digital marketing? How can brands and agencies harness its power for good, to make their marketing efforts more effective and efficient, and improve the customer experience, without raising any consumer concerns about the machines taking control.


In this AI Masterclass, we will explore the key trends and themes around AI from a marketing perspective. In an interactive half-day session you will hear from digital marketing experts who can help you deploy the right kind of AI systems and platforms in the right kinds of way, to help your business fly.


How it works...


We start our In-Person AI in Marketing Masterclass with a series of 10 minute expert presentations before moving on to our expert-led roundtable discussions. Each roundtable lasts 20 minutes. When the time’s up, the expert at your table will move on and you’ll be joined by a brand new speaker.


These intimate 20 minute sessions are the perfect forum for you to ask questions and find solutions to your AI challenges.


And if you already know what you’d like to discuss, just let us know. Our registration form gives you the chance to suggest core topics and help us shape the agenda. Click the button to register now.

Free for senior marketers from leading brands

Event Agenda Show more

13:30 - 14:00
Registration & Networking
Check-in and network ahead of the presentations
14:00 - 15:00
Expert Presentations
Hear the latest insights from our Digital Experts
15:00 - 16:45
Roundtable Discussions
Discuss your AI challenges with the Speakers and your peers
16:45 - 17:15
Keynote Presentation
Hear a case study from another brand
We encourage you to continue networking and engage with your peers after the event concludes

With thanks to our experts

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  • Questions
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